February 13

Women in the Revolution

Emily Geiger was a women in the revolution she was a spy.It took Emily a while to convence the leader,but she did. Soon she was on a mission to give Genral Greene a leader form her boss.She was on her way but she was found by Brittis Solders they wanted to body check her to make sure she was not a spy,but they felt more confortable for a women to do that.So they put her in a small room while no one was in there she memerised the note,then right before the women came in she ate the note.They found her not gilty of any thing,so they let her go.She took of to carey on her mission. She sussfuly got the measge to Genral Sumter. She turned out to be a great spy , and let many other girls in the Revaltion inspiered to be spys.

February 12

Benjamin Franklin

He was the first to dilliver unsussful Albany plan

Was one of most celabrated Fonding Fathers

He enjoyed scince,and inventing

A great leader

Benjamin Franklin

He wanted Independece

He was a missunderstood Collonest

Stamp Act crisis he living in Londen

Franklin moved past Paatriots conisdering Colonial Pentedes to King


